
Experienced &
Effective Leadership

Our community has real challenges, but even greater opportunities. I bring decades of experience in helping people, solving problems, and moving Everett forward. As your city council member, I will remain open and accessible to a diversity of stakeholders while delivering results – for all of us.

Promoting Public Safety

Public safety is fundamental to the health and success of Everett.  Parents should be able to enjoy a day at the park with their kids without being on the lookout for drug needles.  Small business owners should be able to focus on serving their neighbors, not boarding up their broken windows.  Unsheltered community members should be able to get help without being preyed on by others.

The public safety challenges facing Everett are numerous and complex.  Homelessness, addiction, and mental illness have touched every part of our community.  I will be a champion for a balanced approach to public safety, combining compassionate law enforcement with effective social service programs.  I will make sure our first responders have the tools, resources and support needed to do their jobs and keep our neighborhoods safe.

Related Endorsements: Everett Police Officers Association, Everett Police Management Association, and the Everett Firefighters IAFF Local 46

Strengthening Our Economy

A strong and growing economy is vital for creating family wage jobs, attracting new investment, and sustaining essential programs that improve our quality of life.  Our city government must operate reliably and predictably with a strong customer-service philosophy at the heart of its culture. I support changes in zoning and land use policies that can expand workforce housing in our community, but still preserves our neighborhoods. While Everett has some of the most affordable housing in the region, we must do more.  I will work to have Everett continue along the creative path we’ve been on to accommodate affordable housing such as attached and detached dwelling units, smaller lots, and finding ways to reduce permitting costs.  Further, we must continue making investments in public infrastructure such as our roads, parks, and transit.

Regarding public transportation, planning for Sound Transit’s Everett Link Extension is currently underway.  The decisions made now will impact the growth and development of our community for decades.  It is important that station locations and routes provide the best outcome for Everett to support underserved populations and economic development.  I will be a tireless advocate for stations and routes that can support workforce housing, business development, and quality of life. 

Related Endorsements: Affordable Housing Council, Everett Transit Amalgamated Transit Union 883

Quality of Life

Improving the quality of life for our community depends on making sound financial decisions. We won’t be able to make meaningful investments in green spaces, expanded transit routes, or critical services like police and fire if we lack the resources to do it. While I supported the city’s initial effort at project labor agreements, Mayor Franklin recently vetoed a Council-sponsored Project Labor Agreement on capital projects over $5 million for this very reason. Such an agreement would have added 10% to 15% to the cost of City capital projects, creating a new financial burden for Everett residents when they could least afford it.

With many people now struggling with the soaring costs of inflation, we must find ways to deliver government services efficiently and effectively. During my time on the City Council, I helped create public-private partnerships for programs that would otherwise have been eliminated. I also helped reduce the cost of municipal benefits by creating a City clinic – saving thousands in coverage while providing superior care to employees. As your representative on the Everett City Council, I will ensure financial decisions support everyone in our community.

Related Endorsements: Mayor Cassie Franklin, Former Mayor Ray Stephanson, Former Mayor Ed Hansen